Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thoughts on the election: The Nashville Minx doesn't buy the hype

Depending on where you get your information, the talk of potential "voter fraud" and/or "voter supression" may be more than a blip on the radar. Acorn, purged voter rolls, the dead rising just to cast a ballot - for some, the rumors constitute a genuine fear, for others an overwrought exaggeration, and for more, just another round of political gamesmanship.

No stranger to the political world, the writer known around these parts as "the Nashville Minx" has been hitting the internet straight from the Volunteer state for several months now. In this piece cross-posted on her own blog, she takes on the rumors of Minnie Mouse at the polls after doing a little bit of early voting.

More of her work can be found here.

Other submissions in this series:
-Mom explains her political philosophy
-Teddy Kahn on Dog Sh-t and Competitive Obama-Mania
-S. Thompson on "The Business Party"
-Grandmom's thoughts on how politics play in her world

For about two weeks early voters have turned out in record numbers to cast their ballot for the next president of the United States. Yes, we also have the opportunity to vote for US Senate and House (but really, who needs those guys? all they do is create the legislation that our “almighty” president can veto or sign into law) and the TN General Assembly (what do they do besides regulate things like our state budget and taxes?). My point being, there’s more to this election than Obama vs. McCain, so try to be informed when you make your way to the polling place.

We’ve all heard the rally cries, the fervor and trembling of those on opposite sides these past few months and really it’s glorious to see such ignition of interest in our political system. I am especially grateful to see our “generation of apathy” (as i fondly call our stationary video-game-addicted youth) step up to the plate; I guess all it takes is two wars, a failing economy, a monstrous federal deficit charged to our grandkids and a history making presidential election. Hey, whatever gets your goat.

So my grave doubt in the execution of the youth vote has not subsided, but was encouraged by the numbers I witnessed today when I went to vote. I was pleased to see youth turnout amongst the predictably early target voters (middle aged, white and suburban). The Green Hills Library was so jammed, the parking lot in such disarray, that I was left no other option but to pull my vehicle onto the grass median between the steady-packed parking spaces. That library’s getting more action than it’s seen in years.

Despite the veritable cluster f**k that was the parking lot, the interior system was quite efficient and though I beat what would become a larger crowd, I was out of there, with a change of address, proudly displaying my “I voted” badge of honor in about 24 minutes. A smug grin across my face I made my exit, but not without suspiciously eyeing each early elector for a glimpse of their assumed presidential choice (some people are so obvious:)).

Let me assure you fear mongers and Fox News addicted conspiracy theorists, I witnessed no voter fraud, no biased election volunteers, not even a rowdy Obama supporter uttered a word. The words “Acorn” and “voter fraud” have been drilled to the point of exhaustion; almost to the point of a plausible reality, but let me remind you, you can register Minnie Mouse but nothing’s illegal until Minnie cast a vote. Thank you for letting me plead my debunk of the illusion that fraudulent voter registration is some grand scheme of the Obama campaign set out to destroy the sacred nature of our election process.

So am I making a prediction for election victor?– no, hell no; the paranoia that is ingrained into my psyche is too attached to the childlike fear that i will “jinx” the election (one way or the other). When that fateful day in blustery November ensues, a mere 5 days from now, we will unveil the new leader of the free world. And only one thing’s for sure, it ain’t going to be no GW– da Dub-Ya is done!

Prepare: we know too well the temptation to avoid early voting or to even miss voting completely, but PLEASE DO NOT FALL VICTIM! EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE AND DO IT. DO IT BY THURSDAY OR SUFFER THROUGH THE HELLA LINE NEXT TUESDAY. THANK YOU.

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